Druid explorer, author, teacher

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It’s now the time of Alban Hefin, the Summer Solstice, and nature in the UK is burgeoning under the kiss of the Sun. Read about our mythic relationship with the forest here, before a forest walks or expedition, as we take advantage of the long days to explore our magical world!

Online course ‘The Druid’s Eye View’ invites us to find magic in every season. Here is the link - do browse! Sign up to the mailing list for regular updates: your details will never be shared.

Druidry on Radio 4’s Ramblings with Clare Balding. Listen here.

Welcome to my website: I'm a Druid author, speaker and workshop leader living in Somerset; I have been actively exploring Druidry for over 30 years.

Do you aspire to a magical life??? This is my life-long quest, and experience has shown me this is easier to attain than we have been led to believe. 

As a Druid, I follow an annual seasonal path and through my experiences have developed a coherent, practical magical world view. My everyday life is now supported and informed by my theory of living magically.

I live fully in this world, with all its challenges and responsibilities, from the perspective that magic is a natural part of life: perfectly normal and, indeed, our birthright. And this idea can be shared by everyone who knows that life has a spiritual component. As life becomes more artificial, this thinking becomes more relevant for our wellbeing - and it is accessible to all regardless of circumstances, state of health or finances. We just have to gently shift perspective to open to a more nuanced, more richly textured view of the world and our place in it.

If these ideas resonate with you, do browse the site. Crafting a magical life is fascinating and relational work. Hopefully the resources you find here will help you on your journey…



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Read from my latest book and peruse the back catalogue


My latest thoughts on Druidry. the seasons and natural magic


 Short online courses to help your magical journey